O Κεραυνός ανακοινώνει ότι έχει συμφωνήσει με τον καλαθοσφαιιρστή Πάνο Παυλίδη για τη σεζόν 2024-2025

Keravnos Basketball Team agreed terms with talented Cypriot player #Pano_Pavlidis a 6’8 forward of @stonehillmbb (ex @hartford_mbb).

Pano’s current season stats: At 29 games- 21min per game he averaged 6,6ppg, 45,8% FG, 4,3rpg, 1,2apg, while had his best game on 11/20/2023 vs Texas A&M Commerce @aggiembk scoring 17pts!

We welcome Pano at the big family of Keravnos and we wish him best of luck and success with our team.

Personal profile:
Date of Birth: September 30, 2000, in Queens, NY
Parents:  Anila Noti and Yiannis Iuannou
Siblings: Vasili Veizi
Institution transferred from: University of Hartford
Academic Major: Master’s in Business Management, Minor in Finance & Economics
Favorite Team: New York Knicks
Favorite Athlete: Kevin Durant


Pano Pavlidis excited to join Keravnos Team for the coming season 2024-2025 (video)